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Grades & GPA

Grade Information

Doane University awards letter grades.
A - Superior Performance
B - High Quality
C - Satisfactory Achievement
D - Unsatisfactory Performance
F - Failure

Incomplete policy

An Incomplete (I) may be given if a student is not able to complete the work required for a course by the last day of the course due to sickness or other extenuating circumstance that the student has discussed with the instructor.  When awarding an incomplete, the instructor will assign an expiration date NO LATER THAN the last day of the next term. If the expiration date passes without a grade change from the instructor, the incomplete grade will automatically convert to an "F". This is a final grade and will not be changed, per the grade change policy. 

In order to receive an incomplete (I), a student must have completed at least 75% of the coursework required for the the course. If a student wishes to receive an incomplete for a course, the student will obtain an Incomplete form* from the registrar that will allow the teacher and the student to detail the coursework required to remove the incomplete. The student must complete the form, obtain the signature of the instructor on the form, and return the form to the Registrar's office. 

For courses such as practicums, senior seminars, or internships, intended to last longer than a single term, instructors will submit a grade of "In Progress" (IP) at the end of the first term.

Pass/Fail Grading options

A number of courses at Doane are offered only on a Pass/Fail basis. The grade of 'P' earns credit, but this credit is not computed in the grade point average.  A grade of 'F' is figured into the grade point average.

Juniors and seniors may enroll in one course per term using the Pass/Fail option. For more information, visit the Forms for Student page and select the Pass/Fail form.


A student wishing to attend classes regularly without the responsibility of completing assignments and without receiving credit may do so with approval. One-half the regular tuition rate is charge for an audited course.


Students who withdraw from courses according to the withdrawal policy receive a grade of W.

Repeated Courses

Course in which a grade of F, D-, D, or D+ has been received may be repeated, and generally such courses may be repeated only one. 

The cumulative grade point average and the grade point average in the major are computed using only the credits and grade earned in the most recently completed course.

The student may enroll at another college in a course that is a repeat of a course taken at Doane in which the grade earned was below a C-. The course must be taken for a grade and the grade earned must be at least a C-. The grade in the repeated course is recorded on the Doane transcript as a P.  The cumulative grade point average is then computed without the original grade in the calculation.

Grade Reports

Reports are issued to students over the web via Self-Service

Grade Changes

After final grades are released at the end of the term, the student has up to 10 days to report an error or omission. After 10 days have elapsed, the grade report will be considered correct and complete.

Senior Grades

Final grades for seniors who are completing graduation requirements in December and May are processed before Commencement. Once processed, these grades are considered correct and complete.

Academic Probation and Suspension 

A student not maintaining the minimum required cumulative grade point average based on credits attempted is subject to academic probation or suspension at the end of any term, according to the following formula:

 Credits Attempted

Academic Average 

 6/12-35  Below 1.70 
 36-59  Below 1.85
 60 or over  Below 2.00

The Academic Standing Committee may place a student on academic probation or suspend a student who is not making satisfactory academic progress and is in danger of failing to meet any all-university requirement, including the grade point average in the major. Such students are notified in writing by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.