What is essential to our humanity?
Is it an appreciation for art? Is it a love of wisdom? Is it being in accord with higher powers and deeper truths? Is it language itself? The halls of Doane’s Fine Arts & Humanities Division echo with discussions of life’s big questions. In this division’s programs, students learn the arts that liberate the human spirit and enable to them to forge deeper connections with the world and people around them:
- Communicate effectively across a broad array of media.
- Perform music and theatre with nationally recognized ensembles.
- Dig deep into the big ideas that have driven mankind for millennia.
- Express yourself creatively through arts and language.
Doane has a nearly 150-year legacy of providing liberal arts educations on the Great Plains. The Fine Arts & Humanities Division is heir to that legacy, and continues the relevant work of freeing students’ minds to pursue higher realms of thought.