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Center for Computing in the Liberal Arts (CCLA)

The CCLA provides a collaborative and supportive learning environment for computing, staffed by a knowledgeable team, and is available to all students, faculty and staff at Doane University.  The CCLA helps individuals from any discipline learn how to best utilize computing resources to accomplish their goals in research, life, or just for fun.

The CCLA offers Wiley Grants to help fund stipends and travel for students projects that involve computing, and Wiley Awards to recognize student achievements.

For additional information about the CCLA, please feel free to learn about the Staff, browse through the FAQ, and make use of the extensive online resources, linked below.

We have several resources for students and faculty playing the Charles Babbage, Ada Lovelace, and the Dawn of Computing Reacting to the Past (RTTP) game. 

We have several online workshops: High-Performance Computing and Machine-Learning for non-computing people.

We have a variety of course modules, useful for teaching high-performance computing / cyberinfrastructure concepts in collegiate courses. Additionally, we have a curated list of sample problems and large datasets for those interested in learning HPC techniques.

Also check out this classic resources page with a variety of links regarding high-performance computing.

Finally, all of our materials to help another institution create their own version of the CCLA can be found in this GitHub repository.

Dr. Mark Meysenburg, Professor of Computing, is the Director of the CCLA.  He can be reached at [email protected].

Support for the CCLA has been provided by the National Science Foundation, through award number 1924094, "CyberTraining: Pilot: Institutional Cyberinfrastructure Training Center in a Box."

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