OSM is about much more than producing aesthetically appealing publications. The office exists to help move Doane forward in strategic ways – to enhance its visibility with key constituencies to positively affect recruitment, retention and fundraising.
The work of our office includes strategic communications planning, media and public relations, publications, event marketing, Web, marketing plans and advertising. By collaborating with campus departments and offices, our team provides direction, expertise and services that create and sustain a comprehensive and coordinated communications and marketing program.
Look to our team members as collaborative, strategic partners. Involve us in formative decision-making during the initiation stages. Please review our specialties in the following pages and contact the appropriate OSM representative should you need assistance.
Doane’s Advertising Policy
The college has several policies related to communication, marketing and public relations that Doane community members are required to follow. All advertising for the college and its departments must comply with the Doane University Brand Standards and be approved by the Office of Strategic Marketing prior to submission to media.