Student Bills
Questions regarding the billing process or payments to the student account should be directed to Student Accounts personnel in the Business Office,, or 402-826-8250.
To view or pay your student account, log in to Self Service and Select "Student Finance".
Crete Residential Campus: BIlls are generated in late July for Fall Semester and late December for Spring Semester. Payment or payment arrangements are due the first day of class.
Non Residential students: You are able to view and pay your bill once you are regeistered. Payment or payment arrangements are due by the first day of class.
College of Education: You are able to view and pay your bill once you are registered. Payment or payment arrangements are due by the date noted on the academic calendar.
Online Learning Academy: Payment is due at the time of registration.
Board Requirements
Resident students are required to enroll in one of the board/meal plans offered by the University. We will attempt to accommodate special medically mandated diets if your physician provides us with a prescription for a specialized plan.
Refunds are not provided for missed meals. At the discretion of the director of food service and the Business Office, students may be supplied sack lunches and dinners if they are not able to dine during the posted cafeteria hours due to classes obligations.
Students on university-sponsored trips may receive stipends from their departments for missed meals.
I.D. Card Replacement
Lost I.D. cards can be replaced by the Safety Office for $5. All students are required to have a current I.D. card.
A student is held responsible for damage to University property, and is either billed for the cost thereof, or the amount is deducted from the room deposit. Charges are assessed by the Residence Life Office. Any questions concerning the cause of the charge should be directed to or 402.826.8662.
A student is not eligible to attend classes until his/her registration has been approved by the Registrar and the Vice President for Finance and Administration.
University bills are due as noted in the Student bills section above, unless a payment plan has been authorized by Student Accounts at least two weeks prior.
Registration for future terms may be refused for any student whose account is not in good order. No refund of charges will be made to any student suspended or dismissed from the college. Registration may be cancelled for any student who is delinquent in his/her payments.
A late fee will be added to all unpaid accounts in the event that amounts due and owed to the university are not paid in full when due. At the discretion of the administration of Doane University, a student may be suspended for non-payment of his/her debts. A diploma is not issued to a student who has failed to pay off any debts to Doane University.
Click here to view our payment methods. If you choose to use a Visa, Discover, Mastercard, or American Express credit or debit card, a convenience fee will be added.
If a student enrolls in a payment plan and the financial aid package or the charges change, the student and authorized users will be notified via email of the adjustment to their payment plan at least 10 days in advance.
If a student who initially commits to Doane elects not to enroll at Doane, a complete refund is made of the money paid up to that time. No interest will be credited to this refund.
Registration constitutes a financial contractual agreement between Doane University and the enrollee.
If a student officially withdraws from the university prior to the official start of a term, all tuition and Doane fees are refunded. After the term begins, a student who withdraws is refunded a portion of tuition and fees for all classes in which the student enrolled on or after census day. (Census day is listed on the college calendar as the last day for registration.) The amount of the refund and the manner in which it is calculated depends upon the student's status at Doane University. Convenience fees applied at the time of payment are non-refundable.
Tuition and Doane applied fee refunds are generally based on the last documented date of attendance or the official withdrawal date. For a student who does not officially withdraw, the refund is generally based on the last date of class attendance, as determined by the college.
After census day, no refund is made unless a complete withdrawal occurs. Refunds are not made for a student dropping an overload, credits or classes, or a student dropping from full-time to part-time status. A student adding modules and credits after census day which result in an overload, is billed for these credits.
Room charges are not refundable after the first 10 days of class (census day). Refunds are not made for occasional absences from the dining room. Absences extending beyond one week due to illness or other recognized circumstances may receive consideration for an adjustment when approved by the Vice President for Finance and Administration. In case of withdrawal from university, the costs of board is pro-rated according to the withdrawal policy in effect at that time.
College of Arts and Sciences
Semester refunds (16 weeks) of tuition and fees, excluding convenience fees at the time of payment, are determined by the number of days that have passed from the official beginning of a semester according to the following schedule:
- 0-Census day: 100%
- Post Census day-21 days: 50%
- 22-28 days: 25%
- 29-35 days: 10%
Lincoln and Online Campuses
Term refund percentages of tuition and fees, excluding convenience fees at the time of payment, are determined by the number of days that have passed from the official beginning of the term according to the following schedule:
- 0-Census day: 100%
- Post Census day-15 days: 40%
- After 15 days: 0%
Open Learning Academy
Refund percentages of tuition and fees, excluding convenience fees at the time of payment, are determined by the number of days that have passed from the official beginning of the term according to the following schedule:
8 week and 16 week terms:
- 0-Census day: 100%
- Post Census day-15 days: 40%
- After 15 days: 0%
5 week Interterm:
- 0-Day 8: 100%
- Day 9-12 days: 40%
- After 12 days: 0%