We’re building leaders today for success tomorrow.
The Doane Experience equips students for success in life, communities, and their chosen professions. From the wrestling mat to the stage, choir room to the biology lab, our students continue to shine on regional, national, and international stages. One hundred percent of the incoming fall class in 2023 received institutional aid or a need-based grant, enabling the next generation of Tigers to better focus on their educational experience with less financial stress.
Your ongoing generosity is the cornerstone of all our achievements. We hope you’ll continue your journey with Doane as we create distinctive educational experiences for generations to come.
Your support is invaluable — THANK YOU!
The difference your gift makes.
Average institutional award for first-year, first-time students in 2023
(including athletic awards)
Doane Students Volunteer Impact
3,355 volunteer hours / $106,696 in impact
Between January 1st, 2023 and January 1st, 2024
Doane students are not just learners, they are also leaders in service. In 2023, our students recorded 3,355 volunteer hours, which had an estimated economic impact of $106,696 on the community. Doane students volunteered with local organizations, including the Crete Backpack Program, Adopt-a-Highway, Tabitha Nursing Home, Blue Valley Community Action, Crete Public Schools, United Church of Christ, and many more.
Total Institutional Aid Given
All students: $24,404,860
First-year students: $7,131,735
In FY24 (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024)
Total Number Of Graduates
Undergraduate: 207
Graduate: 251
TOTAL: 458
In FY24 (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024)
Number Of Countries Represented By Students
In Person: 21
Online: 11
These numbers represent both online and on-ground students.
Athletic Achievements
Number of Tiger Scholar-Athletes: 152
Number of Tiger All-Americans: 39
Number of National Championship Appearances: 11
Student-Athletes in Spring 2024 with a 4.0 GPA: 72
Student-Athletes in Spring 2024 with a 3.0 or higher GPA: 446
In FY24 (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024)
Juan's Story

"With all of your support, I was given the opportunity to explore countless avenues of growth during my time at Doane. Your gifts allowed me to become an involved member of the Doane Community, including being a member of the football team, vice president of my fraternity (Delta Kappa Pi), co-founder and president of OWN (Opportunities, Wealth, and Networking entrepreneurship organization), multiple honor societies, Tiger Peer Mentor, Student Ambassador, along with several other positions. Due to your generosity, I have developed the mindset that anything is possible as long as you believe in it and are willing to put in the effort. Thank you for your continued support of all Doane students and for enabling us to succeed."
Blair's Story

"Thank you so much for your support of the Doane community. Because of your unwavering generosity, I was able to be incredibly involved at Doane which, in turn, allowed me to fall in love with my now alma mater. My involvement included recruitment chair of Omega Psi Theta sorority, the logistics, entertainment, and activities chair for Doane/Saline County Relay for Life, an orientation leader/teacher assistant, a student ambassador, a 2023 Tiger on Tour, and an active member of the Doane Band. These leadership positions, made possible in large part because of you, prepared me for life after college. I will be forever grateful for that."
Payton's Story

"I don’t know if a thank you is enough for all of the love and support that I have genuinely felt from you as a donor. I have made lasting memories at Doane and your generosity is a contributing factor to that. I have learned how to become an empathetic, engaging, and effective teacher; a gritty, hardworking athlete; and above all, a good person. There’s not a lot of colleges and universities that are as special as Doane, and that’s because there’s not a lot of staff members, professors, coaches, students, and donors like ours. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for giving me the best four—soon to be five—years of my life. I’ll be starting my master’s degree and continuing to compete this coming year."