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Hansen Leadership Program - Directions Cohort Application

The Hansen Leadership Program Application for the 2024/2025 academic year opens November 1, 2024. If you have any questions, please direct them to

Application Timeline:
Applications open November 1
Early application window closes December 2
Early application reference form due December 11
First interview window: November 22 - December 11

Final application window closes February 28
Final interview window: February 19 - March 7
Final notification: March 18


The Hansen Leadership Program requires accepted students to live in Hansen Leadership Hall (suite-style housing) for their first year in the program.

Applicants must fill out regular Doane housing paperwork in case they are not selected for the Hansen Leadership Program. Students may not transfer out of their housing assignment during their first year without consent of the Director of Career, Leadership, and Service Development. Such a move will generally be denied except for demonstrated health or safety needs. After their first year, Directions students must follow the standard housing process to acquire rooms for subsequent years on campus.

Personal Information

Please enter your approximate current GPA. Final GPA will be checked.

Additional Questions


Please list one reference who you have worked with closely in some capacity (supervisor, coach, teacher, mentor, etc). References listed here will be contacted via email and asked to respond to a google form before December 11th, 2024 (early application timeline) or February 21st, 2025 (open application timeline) to provide the selection committee with more information about your skills and abilities.
You can find tips and tricks for creating a resume in our Career Resource Guide.

Essay Question

Provide a introduction video sharing the following information:

  • Introduce yourself
  • Explain why you are interested in joining the Hansen Leadership Program
  • Share how you believe the Hansen Leadership Program could benefit you.

Please make your video 1 - 5 minutes long. Upload your video to Youtube and list it as unlisted (only people with the link can view it). Paste your video's link into the text box below.

Step by Step Process for uploading to Youtube and making it unlisted:

  1. Sign into your YouTube Account.
  2. Go to your My Videos page.
  3. Select the video which you’d like to make an unlisted video. Click the Edit button to access the video’s settings.
  4. Go to the Privacy section of the page. There you’ll see the option to mark your video as “unlisted”, “public”, or “private”. Select unlisted.
  5. Don’t forget to click the Save Changes button. Once you’ve done this your video will be an unlisted video.
  6. After this, paste your YouTube link into the text box below.