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Program Assessment

Academic Program Evaluation and Assessment

Program evaluation refers to the process by which a program collects and analyzes information in order to improve effectiveness. Examples may include, but are not limited to:

  • analyzing information related to student employment after graduation,
  • student satisfaction with courses,
  • credit load in the program,
  • number of courses taught as part of the general education program, 
  • scholarship in the program,
  • service in the program.

In contrast, assessment refers to the specific process of collecting and analyzing information that is used to improve student learning. Programs that do not hold or that are not seeking specialized accreditation are required to maintain an updated Assessment Plan

Every program is required to submit the Annual Program Report by June 15. In addition, each program will undergo a formal self-study and external review using this schedule.

All requirements, and more details, may be found in the Academic Program Evaluation and Assessment document.

Each department is also expected to maintain the list of Course Learning Outcomes that are consistent for each section of a course regardless of location or modality. 

Doane Core Assessment

Foundational Areas of Knowledge


Each Foundational Areas of Knowledge has three associated learning outcomes that are emphasized in the courses. Instructors are responsible for ensuring that their courses align to outcomes via instructional activities and student assignments. Instructors are also responsible for collecting data on how students have done using our set of common rubrics. 

FAK Course Assessment Expectations

Instructors must 

  1. Ensure the syllabus follows the FAK Guidelines. On the syllabus and in the course, instructors agree to inform students about

    1. which FAK area and which outcomes this course satisfies,

    2. how students will develop the outcomes in the course,

    3. how students will be assessed on the outcomes. 

  2. Pick an assignment in the course where students may demonstrate achievement on the learning objectives for the FAK area. The assignment should occur towards the end of the course and be substantial enough that students should have demonstrated their best effort. Please feel free to consult with your department chair, program director, or the Doane Core Committee regarding an appropriate assignment. 

  3. Instructors will enter assessment data based on the assignment into Canvas.

LAR Courses 

Each LAR course has several learning outcomes that are emphasized in the courses. Instructors are responsible for ensuring that their courses align to outcomes via instructional activities and student assignments. Instructors are also responsible for collecting data on how students have done using our set of common rubrics. A basic overview is given below with more details available from the LAR Coordinators.


LAR Course Assessment Expectations

Instructors must 

  1. Ensure the syllabus follows the LAR guidelines. On the syllabus and in the course, instructors agree to inform students about

    1. the LAR outcomes this course satisfies,

    2. how students will develop the outcomes in the course,

    3. how students will be assessed on the outcomes. 

  2. Choose assignments that emphasize the Intellectual Skills, Intellectual Engagement, and Collaboration rubrics. More details are in the LAR handbooks.

  3. Instructors will enter assessment data based on the assignment into Canvas.