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Social Media

Help promote Doane through social media channels. In today's fast-paced world, social media are powerful and effective communications tools. It's easier than ever to form connections, get a message out and rally people around a cause. When you attend alumni events on and off campus (such as Homecoming or regional chapter events), or serve Doane through a volunteer project, we would welcome your photos and comments.

Doane Alumni Twitter

Doane LinkedIn

Online Doane Reviews

Social Media Ambassador volunteer opportunities!  

Are you a pro at sharing news and information?  Looking for a quick, effective way to help your alma mater?  Fill out the volunteer form to get involved!

Doane Social Media Ambassadors serve to enhance the alumni experience by building a vibrant alumni network. The role of the Social Media Ambassador is to extend Doane’s reach across multiple social networking platforms by utilizing the ambassadors’ personal online communities. Social Media Ambassadors believe in the importance of fostering lifelong participation and philanthropic support for Doane University.

What is the Role of a Social Media Ambassador?  

A Social Media Ambassador is responsible for the following:

  • Post Doane-related stories or events approximately once a month, based around the primary calendar of events (at a minimum - may post additionally on an individual basis.
  • Remain a positive advocate of the university and its goals through posts and shares across social platforms.
  • Remain aware of and interested in current issues, trends and events pertaining to Doane
  • Post live updates to social media platforms while attending Doane University events regionally and on campus

What are the Benefits of being a Social Media Ambassador?  

  • Network and interact with alumni
  • Gain valuable personal growth, leadership, and organizational skills
  • Contribute to creating new campus traditions
  • Create life-long friendships and mentoring relationships 

Ready to sign up? Fill out this volunteer form to get started!

For more information, please contact the Doane Alumni Office at [email protected].