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Counseling Services

College brings exciting growth but can also feel overwhelming at times. At Doane University, our professional counselors are here to support you through both everyday concerns—like relationship challenges, stress, and homesickness—and crisis situations.

We offer free, confidential counseling to all students in a welcoming, non-judgmental environment. Our services are available to individuals regardless of age, race, sex, economic status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Every student is treated with dignity and respect.

To ensure accessibility, Doane provides a Counseling Center on the Crete campus for residential students and a Counseling Office at our Lincoln campus for both undergraduate and graduate students. Additionally, non-residential undergraduate students have access to no-cost services through the Continuum EAP Student Assistance Program. Your well-being is our priority, and we are here to support you throughout your journey at Doane.

Confidentiality Statement:

Doane ensures our counseling services are in compliance with the ethical standards put in place by the American Counseling Association. Seeking counsel will not jeopardize an individual’s academic standing or relationship with the faculty and staff at Doane. Confidentiality is an important element of the therapeutic process.


Counseling Staff & Hours

Lincoln Campus Counseling Office

The Counseling Office at the Lincoln campus serves all enrolled non-residential students (graduate and undergraduate). We provide free, confidential counseling to support students with a range of concerns, including:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Relationships
  • Financial Concerns
  • And more

Appointment Times:

Wednesday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM


Doane Counseling Staff Member

Mindy Parker, PLMHP

Mindy Parker is available for in-person and telehealth counseling sessions.
She is located in the Fred Brown Building, Room 306.
To schedule an appointment with Mindy, please email her directly at [email protected].


Continuum EAP

Non-residential undergraduate students have access to the Continuum EAP Student Assistance Program (SAP), offering:

  • School & Life Services
  • Wellness Coaching
  • Short-term Counseling
  • Legal Assistance
  • Financial Coaching

To schedule an appointment, contact Continuum EAP at:
Phone: 402.476.0186 | 800.755.7636
Email: [email protected]

Crete Campus Counseling Center

The Counseling Center on the Crete campus offers support for residential and non-residential students alike. We are committed to providing free, confidential counseling services to help students manage their mental health.
Appointment Times:
Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Appointments can be scheduled via email or by contacting the Student Health Office at 826-8265

Doane Counseling Staff Member

Myron Parsley, LIMHP

Myron is located in the Counseling Center in Padour Walker 105.
You can reach him by email at
[email protected]
or by phone at 402.826.6719.

Doane Counseling Staff Member

Darcy Dawson, LIMHP

Darcy is located in the Counseling Center in Padour Walker 117.
Reach her by email at
[email protected]
or by phone at 402.826.6710.

Doane Counseling Staff Member

Mindy Parker, PLMHP

Mindy is located in the Counseling Center in Padour Walker 115
You can reach her by email at
[email protected]
or by phone at 402.826.8410.

Crisis Care

Typical crisis situations can include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Active suicide ideation
  • Impulses to harm self or others
  • Aftermath of trauma
  • Seeing or hearing things that other people do no

If you are experiencing a mental health emergency outside of Counseling Center hours, you may contact:

  • Crete area police department: 911
  • Doane Safety Office: 402-826-8669
  • Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988
  • Crisis Text Line: test START to 402-741-741


Free Screening & Resources

Anonymous Screener

Doane University offers an anonymous online mental health screening available 24/7 to students. This tool, provided by the Center for Collegiate Mental Health, screens for PTSD, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, alcohol use, and eating disorders. It’s a quick and confidential way to assess your mental health and substance use, providing immediate results and recommendations. The screening serves as a “checkup from the neck up,” ensuring anonymity and privacy while promoting overall behavioral health.

JED’s Crisis and Support Services

JED's Mental Health Resource Center: The Jed Foundation’s Mental Health Resource Center provides essential information about common emotional health issues and shows young adults how they can support one another, overcome challenges, and make a successful transition to adulthood.

Eating Disorder Treatment & Resources

EDCare is an eating disorder treatment center, with a dedicated team of professionals who are passionate about helping individuals on their journey to recovery.

The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project is the leading suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ+) young people.The Trevor Project’s trained crisis counselors are available 24/7.

TOC-Therapists of Color Network:

 The TOC Network, is dedicated to reshaping the narrative around mental health in these communities. Through education, support, and open conversations, we strive to eliminate the stigma associated with mental health.

988 Fact Sheet

Simply calling or texting 988 or chatting will connect a person in crisis to compassionate care and support for any mental health or substance use-related distress.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make an appointment?

Students on the residential campus that want to make a counseling appointment should email one of the counselors requesting an appointment with their availability. Counselors on the residential campus are; [email protected][email protected]; and [email protected].

Students on the non-residential campuses should email [email protected] requesting an appointment with their availability.

Where is the Counseling Center located?

On the residential campus, the Counseling Center is located on the 1st floor of Padour Walker next to financial aid. 

The Counseling Center on the non-residential campus is located on the third floor of the Fred Brown building room 306.

What are the hours of the Counseling Center?

The hours for the residential Counseling Center are Monday through Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.

-Hours on the non-residential campus are Wednesdays 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm.

What should I expect for the first appointment?

Prior to your first scheduled appointment, your counselor will send you a link with necessary paperwork to complete. The first session is spent getting background information along with current concerns or goals for therapy. Therapy is student focused, meaning the counselor will help the student meet whatever goals the student has. The initial appointment is typically 45-60 minutes in duration.

Is there a cost to services?

All counseling appointments are completely free to students with no session limit.

I’m worried about my friend’s mental health, what should I do?

For active suicidal thoughts or a suicide attempt immediately call 911. If your friend is having thoughts of suicide and the Counseling Center is closed contact campus safety 68669 or 988.

If your friend is not currently in crisis, talk to them about your concerns and encourage them to schedule a counseling appointment. Offer to walk them to the Counseling Center or help them send the email.

As a parent or guardian I’m worried about my student. What should I do?

Parents and guardians can contact the Counseling Center to discuss relevant concerns. We can provide suggestions on how to approach the student with your concerns, create a plan, and provide information on how the student can make an appointment. 

Due to confidentiality we are unable to disclose any information without a signed release of information from your student. If you want information about the student’s progress, we suggest you speak with your student and ask them to sign a release of information. We do not have the authority to mandate a student to seek counseling services.

Is counseling only for students with a mental health diagnosis?

Managing coursework along with all the many responsibilities of a college student can be extremely stressful. A student does not need to have a mental health diagnosis to seek counseling nor will any diagnosis be given by counselors.  Speaking with a counselor and learning coping strategies can be beneficial for all students no matter how big or small the concern.