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Severe Weather

Preparing for Severe Weather

Having a personal safety plan is the best proactive measure you can take to mitigate the risks of severe weather. Primarily this relates to being aware of impending weather and being aware of your surroundings, including the location of near by shelters. The following information is meant to supplement your personal safety plan while on any Doane campus.

Local Weather Information

Crete Weather Information

Lincoln Weather Information

Omaha Weather Information

Severe Weather Shelters

Doane Winter Weather Information (Classes Policy):

Each Doane campus will assess weather reports and make decisions on classes or possible closings as soon as possible.  All community members should remember that in all situations you should never put yourself in harms-way by driving or going out into the weather if you believe the risks are too high!  If administrators at any of our campuses decide to close or cancel classes an email will be sent to all students as well as public notification through available local media resources (radio or TV) and the Doane website.   The following link has details on campus closings when they occur:


Doane employee snowstorm and severe weather:

As we prepare for the predicted snowstorm please be aware of our snowstorm and severe weather policy.  As of now, all classes will continue as scheduled.  In the case of cancellation of classes or campus closure, the type of closure will be posted on the Doane website, a notification will be sent through the campus emergency alert system (Omnilert) and with local radio/TV.  As always, your safety is our first concern and you should use your best judgment when determining your travel-to-work plans.

Parking Planning: (Current Issues)


General Safety Information:

  • During a snowstorm please limit your driving on campus while staff attempt to get roads and sidewalks closed!
  • Road conditions will be slick.  Unfortunately, laying sand and salt may be scooped or washed away during the snow removal process.
  • Report icy area or conditions...then avoid those areas until cleaned ([email protected])

Current Weather Updates: Source, Weather Channel:

Safety Resources:

 NEMA Winter Weather Info 
 Nebraska Department of Roads.

School Closings: 

TV -
Public School (for Education Students) -
Radio -