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Demand for medical professionals is growing worldwide. At the same time, medical school programs are becoming more rigorous and admission requirements more strict. Doane is here to help students navigate the new health economy with a complete preparation for further medical study and beyond.

Our Pre-Med Program is an intense, four-year academic program that focuses on all areas required for admittance to most medical schools. Our program includes:

Academic Preparation:

Strong academic preparation is an important part of getting to medical school and being successful once you are there. Most U.S. medical schools require a minimum of 90 semester hours (3 years) at the undergraduate level with required coursework in Biology, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics, Calculus or Statistics, Biochemistry, and Genetics. Medical schools also require a minimum of English Composition, Humanities, and Social Sciences, and a minimum GPA of 3.5 is suggested.

Doane makes sure you have more than just a foundation in all of the required coursework. We’ll provide you with a cutting-edge education in everything you need and more, including real-world research before you ever get to medical school. Our faculty are always available to make sure every student is prepared to take the MCAT.

Service and Professional Activities:

Medical schools want to see that you understand what being a medical doctor is all about. This is achieved by doing a variety of shadowing and internship experiences with physicians and medical clinics throughout your undergraduate career. The Doane Pre-Med Program will assist in finding appropriate experiences.

The ideal medical school candidate is a community-minded person. Regular volunteer work in both medical and non-medical environments is critical for demonstrating this quality. Many such experiences are available through campus organizations and the Multicultural Services Office.

Costs & Enrollment Deposit

Direct Cost of Attendance in US Dollars 2015/16 (subject to change):

  • Tuition: $28,170
  • International Student Fees (not including insurance): $620
  • Room & Board (includes standard 21 meal plan): $8,350
  • Total Tuition, Fees, Room & Board: $37,140

Enrollment Deposit:

The Pre-Med program requires an enrollment deposit equivalent to 25% ($7,040 in Fall 2015) of tuition.