When will One Day. One Doane. 2024 take place?
One Day. One Doane. will start at 10 a.m. (CDT) on Wednesday, March 20, and end at 10 a.m. (CDT) on Thursday, March 21.
How can I share the excitement on social media?
Once the campaign goes live, visit the campaign page and click on the sharing links under the video, or become an advocate. Encourage your friends and followers on social media to get involved by using the hashtag #GiveDoane in your posts. Bring awareness to One Day. One Doane. by updating your social media profile photo or cover photo to one of our many colorful images.
Are there events happening on the Doane campuses?
Yes! At the Crete campus, there will be events going on throughout the day. Special surprises will occur at the Lincoln campus.
What will be happening at the events?
We can’t tell you—you’ll have to be there!
How can I make a gift?
Once the campaign is live at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, March 20, go to the One Day. One Doane. campaign and click on the “Give Now” button.
Can I make a match or challenge gift?
Yes! From the campaign page, click on the "Become an Advocate" button for detailed instructions, or email jess.pulte@doane.edu with questions.
Can I make my own personal video to inspire others to get involved?
Yes! If you become an advocate, you can easily share the campaign and see your impact.
Can I send a gift by mail and will it count?
Gifts sent by mail can count toward the goal. If you prefer to send a gift by mail, please make a note on it designating that it count toward "Giving Day" and send it to: Doane University, Office of Advancement, 1014 Boswell Ave., Crete, NE 68333.
Can I make a gift over the phone?
Yes! You can always make a gift during business hours; if you’d like your gift to count toward the Giving Day totals, please call 402-826-8258 on Wednesday, March 20 between 10 am and 5 pm CDT, or Thursday, March 21 between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. CDT.
Is my gift tax-deductible?
Doane University is a 501c3 and gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by the IRS.
I am having trouble making my gift. Who should I call?
Please call Doane University’s Advancement office at 402-826-8258.