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Go Green

Green Committee Charter

Last Revised August, 2024

I. Background
The Doane College Student Congress requested the addition of a Green Fee beginning with the 2011-2012 tuition and fees. This recommendation came from student research and a campus survey supporting a $20 per year fee increase to be used for greener energy efficiency, carbon footprint reduction, and to improve Doane’s sustainability. It’s intended use was to support projects such as a proposed solar panel offset vampire energy use, low-flow showerheads, and yearly green report card tracking Doane’s sustainability success and areas of improvement. With this effort, Student Congress spearheaded a Green Committee, with representatives from all areas of campus life, which will allocate money to green projects from students, faculty, and staff.

II. Funding
$10 per student per semester is applied toward the funds that will be used for this project. Funds are carried over from year to year. All requests for green funds require the signature of the Green Committee Advisor. This Green Fund is separate from Student Congress’ continuing funds.

III. Committee Structure
A. Chair
-Responsible for scheduling the proposal review periods and sending out the notifications to the Committee. The Chair and Advisor will also provide approval for the use of Green Funds as well as monitor the account for allocated and remaining funds and make reports to the committee as necessary.
B. Co-Chair
-Responsible for fulfilling the duties of the Chair when they are unable to. The Co-Chair will also send out campus communications regarding proposal requests, updates and any other related information as needed. Also responsible for organizing and submitting the yearly Sustainability Report Card.
C. Secretary
-Responsible for keeping, organizing and distributing the summary of each proposal review period. Also responsible for receiving and organizing proposal requests. Assist with campus communication as needed.

D. Membership
-At least one staff member, two faculty members, and two students must serve on the committee at all times. One of the student members must be a Student Congress Senator.

IV. Committee Responsibilities
-The Committee will evaluate proposals each semester and as needed to determine specific sustainability efforts for each fiscal year and monitor efforts in place.
-The Committee will receive sustainability project proposals from the Doane Community and determine how the funding is spent.
-The Committee will be responsible for submitting a yearly Sustainability Report Card that identifies approved and successful projects each year; Starting when the committee feels efforts have been significant enough to begin this process.

V. Charter Members
Co-Chair(s): Manager of Maintenance Services, Manager of Grounds Services
Co-Chair: President of Student Congress
Secretary: Student Congress Senator and/or appointed member of the student body
Faculty: Two Required
Students at Large: Student Congress Senator and/or appointed members of student body
Advisor: Director of Facilities Operations & Construction Projects

VI. Decision Making Process
-Interested persons or groups must complete and submit a proposal form, as well as be available to the Green Committee to answer any questions.
-All submitted proposals will be prioritized by the committee in the following manner:

1. Benefit of the project must exceed the costs
2. Measurability of project
3. Contributions to the college’s sustainability efforts
4. Availability of funds

VII. Measurement for Success
-Grant recipients must submit a final report to the Green Committee on or before the completion deadline indicated in the proposal. If no report is filed by the deadline, that person or group is not eligible for future Green Committee grants for two academic years beyond the semester the final report was due.

-All projects will be monitored for measurable savings.
-Beginning when the committee deems appropriate, a yearly Sustainability Report Card will be filed annually and be awarded a standard allocation from the Green Fund.


Revised, August 2024

Email: for the Green Committee Grant Proposal document. 

I. General Information
The committee will receive environmental and sustainable project ideas from the Doane Community and determine how the funding is spent. Green Committee proposals may be submitted for the current and immediately upcoming academic year. Only one proposal may be submitted by each person or group. If multiple proposals are prepared by a class they must be submitted as a single document. Grants will be awarded in the academic year that a project is approved.

II. Eligibility
All full-time students, recognized student groups, and full-time employees (excluding visiting faculty) are eligible to apply for grants. If a member of the Green Committee decides to submit a proposal, she/he will excuse themselves during consideration of their proposal, and are ineligible to vote on their own proposal. Projects oriented toward student research may be submitted but there is an expectation that such projects will support the college’s environmental and sustainability efforts.

III. Grant Proposal Form & Deadlines
Interested persons or groups must complete and submit the attached proposal form. Please attach any additional information that would be useful to the committee. Those awarded funds must follow the proposal and completion deadlines below. Grant recipients must submit a final report to the Secretary of the Green Committee before the end of the semester in which the project was scheduled for completion. If no report is filed by the deadline, that person or group is not eligible for future Green Committee grants for two academic years beyond the semester the final report was due. Once a project is approved, all estimates or quotes for requested funds will need to have the signature of the Green Committee Chair prior submittal to the Business Office. Please draw the funds in the fiscal year for which the award is granted.
Email completed proposals to

IV. Evaluation Criteria
The Green Committee will evaluate proposals to the extent to which they correspond to the
following guidelines:

All submitted projects will be prioritized by the committee in the following manner:

1. Contribute effectively to the sustainability and environmental efforts within the college
2. Benefit / Cost of the project
3. Measurability of project
4. Availability of funds

Other factors the Green Committee may consider are:
• Support previously given to the submitting person or group, particularly if the proposal is a
request for additional support of a previously funded or similar project
• Other sources of support available.