Complaint Process:
Doane University takes seriously student concerns and complaints regarding the conduct of students, faculty and staff.
Doane values feedback from students and wishes to resolve student concerns in a timely manner. The purpose of this policy is to clarify procedures for students to communicate their concerns.
The purpose is also to comply with Federal Requirements 34 CFR §§602.16(a)(1)(ix), HLC Core Component 2.A, and HLC Assumed Practices A.3, A.4.
This policy applies only to students. Students are defined as individuals currently enrolled at Doane University (full-time or part-time) during the current terms or previous academic year.
Student Complaint: A formal statement about dissatisfaction with the resolution of a situation involving a student and a representative of the institution.
Students are encouraged to communicate directly with the individual or office involved, if safe to do so, in order to resolve the situation informally. If the issue is not resolved at this level, the student should contact the supervisor of the office involved to again attempt to resolve the issue informally.
If, after attempts to contact the individual or office directly involved, or the appropriate supervisor, the student is still not satisfied and none of the specific situations below apply, the student may file a formal student complaint.
For the following specific situations, students are directed to established procedures:
- For Academic Grievances, see the process in the catalog.
- For Grade Appeal, see the process in the catalog.
- For student conduct complaints, report the incident to the Student Experience Office.
- For Title IX complaints, see the Title IX page and Doane University Student Handbook.
- For Discrimination complaints, see the Doane University Student Handbook.
- For ADA compliance complaints, see the Doane University Student Handbook.
- For complaints involving student employment, see the Employee Handbook.
- For NC-SARA information please contact
For all other situations not listed above, students may file a formal complaint with the In Touch system. Students may file the complaint with their name or anonymously and will still receive a reply.
Students who do not believe their concern was adequately addressed may contact the Nebraska Coordinating Commission for Post-Secondary Education or the Higher Learning Commission.
The full policy may be found on the Doane Policies page.
NOTE: ISSUES INVOLVING SEXUAL MISCONDUCT ARE NOT WITHIN THE SCOPE OF NOR COVERED BY THIS PROCEDURE. If this is a Concern or Complaint involving sexual misconduct (harassment, assault, stalking or similar conduct) it should be immediately directed to the University Title IX Coordinator at:
Suzanne Mealer, Equity Compliance Officer (Title IX Coordinator)
Phone: 402.826.8411
For other complaints, if the student has filed the complaint with the appropriate department at Doane University and has exhausted all channels and still feels like the issue has not been resolved appropriately, a student has the right to contact the Nebraska Coordinating Commission on Postsecondary Education at:
Nebraska Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education
PO Box 95005 Lincoln, NE 68509-5005
Phone: (402)-471-2847 Fax: (402)-471-2886
Or visit their website.