Study Organic Chemistry Online Today
Organic Chemistry is the chemistry of carbon and its compounds. Organic molecules are the building blocks of life. Proteins, fats, sugars, and nucleic acids are some examples of important organic molecules. However, organic chemistry also includes synthetic compounds, such as polyesters, plastics, and countless other materials used in everyday life. Through lecture and laboratory, students completing the organic chemistry online course will demonstrate an understanding of organic reactions, syntheses, mechanistic, and structural studies of organic compounds. Students will also learn classical organic laboratory skills and instrumentation, such as nuclear magnetic resonance, infrared spectroscopy, chromatography, and mass spectroscopy
Note: For successful completion of this organic chemistry online course, it is recommended that students are familiar with General Chemistry I and II or their equivalents.
Our Organic Chemistry online course is a great addition to degree programs that are already underway. Students may also take this course to complete a different degree program not affiliated with Doane University. Doane's Open Learning Courses are not a part of any degree program at Doane University. If you are interested in starting a degree program at Doane, please visit our website at
Courses Include
- Lectures
- Labs
How This Course Works
Courses are completely online: lectures, discussion boards, and even group projects.
You'll be able to view course materials at the start of term.
Once courses begin, assignments are due each week.
Complete labs virtually or in your own home.
Need help or have questions? In addition to instructor access, every student receives support from an advisor.