Whether it's a journal article, a book, or a book chapter, our InterLibrary Loan and Document Delivery service will get you the item you need.
What is InterLibrary Loan? Sometimes Perkins Library doesn’t own a book, journal article, DVD, CD or other document that you need. We can get that item for you from another library for free!
What is document delivery? Document delivery is a free service for students, faculty, and staff in Lincoln, Omaha, and Online programs which provides articles/chapter scans of items we have in the Perkins Library in print only.
All Doane students, faculty and staff:
May request materials not owned by Perkins Library through InterLibrary Loan. Most of our databases will have an ILL link in the search results. Or you can place a request using our ILL form.
Who live in Nebraska may get a library card at a local college or university library to borrow materials through the reciprocal borrowing program. If you don't have a Doane ID, contact [email protected] for information on how to get a reciprocal borrowing card at the library of your choice.
Lincoln, Omaha, and Online students, faculty, and staff:
May request print and physical materials owned by Perkins Library through InterLibrary Loan instead of traveling to Crete. Place a request using our ILL form.
Delivery of Perkins Library-owned books and InterLibrary Loan books to the Fred Brown building (room 113) on the Lincoln campus for those in the Lincoln area. Physical items will be sent via US Mail to locations outside of Lincoln.
Items must be returned to the Fred Brown Building room 113 (Lincoln campus) or to the Perkins Library (Crete) either in person or via mail.
The added shipping times will reduce the amount of time a student will be able to have that item. As a result, students who find themselves in this situation may find it useful to consult local libraries for their print holdings instead of requesting them through Doane.
Turnaround time
Most requests are sent out to a potential supplier within 24-48 hours Monday-Friday. If you submit a large number of requests on a single day, they may not all be sent out on the same day. If you submit requests over the weekend they will typically be sent out on Monday.
Electronic articles usually arrive within a few hours or a few days.
Books, DVDs/videos, etc. can take anywhere from a few days to arrive to several weeks, depending on how far they must travel and what shipping method the supplier uses.
Service may be slower during the peak of the semester or during vacation periods.
If you have specific needs or questions, please consult with the library ([email protected]).
Lost and Damaged Items
A borrower that damages, loses, or keeps InterLibrary Loan books to the point where they are considered lost by the lending library will be responsible for all replacement fees as determined by the lending library, and overdue fees if applicable. The borrower will also be blocked from using InterLibrary Loan until the items have been returned or fines have been paid.
Recommend a purchase
Anyone can recommend an item for purchase. We will consider each request and purchasing according to our collection development policy.
Contact [email protected]