MindExpo Registration Directions
Please complete the online registration form by Friday, March 5, 2020. Make sure that you have a faculty sponsor before submitting the form. By submitting your abstract, you acknowledge that you and your faculty sponsor have reviewed the abstract for content, clarity, spelling, and grammar.
Proposals will be cleared with the faculty sponsor. All accepted abstracts will be published online.
2021 MindExpo Schedule (GENERAL)
We will have two types of sessions:
- Poster
- Oral
The poster session allows a student to create and discuss a poster of their work. Poster presentations will be pre-recorded and posted online along with a virtual copy of the poster. There will also be an option for a live question and answer session on the day of the event. Poster presenters will be contacted after registration with directions for recording their presentation. This session type would be appropriate for presenting scholarly work.
The oral session allows a student or panel of students to give a 12 minute oral presentation of their work, with about three minutes for questions. You may use slides, such as Google Slides or Powerpoint, if desired. There may be a limit on the number of oral presentation times available. Oral presentations will take place over Zoom on the day of the event.
Multi-author proposals will be accepted, but there needs to be a lead author who will receive communications concerning the proposal and be responsible for coordinating with the other authors.
All accepted abstracts will be published online.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Chris Wentworth (chris.wentworth@doane.edu) or Ms. Cali Biaggi (cali.biaggi@doane.edu).