The Doane University triMATHlon is a math contest in three stages designed for 9th -12th grade students. The contest includes material typically taught prior to trigonometry and calculus in Nebraska public high schools (up to and including 2nd year algebra). The three stages of the triMATHlon are:
Extreme Team Challenge
Come prepared for the weather in this one-of-a-kind team challenge! 3-person teams will be presented with questions involving Doane's campus and have 45 minutes to prepare written solutions. (Limit 2 teams per school - calculators allowed)
45-minute Individual Written Exam
This multiple-choice exam includes 30 questions. (All mathletes welcome - no calculators allowed.)
3 - Person Team "Math Bowl"
This "quiz show" contest pairs 3-persons teams in a single-elimination tournament. (Limit 1 team per school - no calculators allowed)
2019 triMATHlon
The 2019 triMATHlon was held on Thursday, September 26th, 2019.
Contact Peggy Hart, Associate Professor of Mathematics, at for more information.