Dear Doane Tigers,
Throughout the summer months, the Fall Planning Task Force has been working diligently to plan for a safe return to campus for new and returning students. The following message outlines the current plans for managing the health and safety of students on all of our campuses. It is important to note that these plans are subject to change as the pandemic evolves. Doane University will continue to monitor that situation and operate in accordance with all local, state, and federal government guidelines and restrictions.
Your Role in Keeping Campus Safe
Every Tiger plays a vital role in keeping the Doane Community safe. Next week, you will receive the Tigers Together Community Commitment asking YOU to take the pledge to do your part in keeping Doane University a safe place to live, work, learn, and enjoy this fall. Tiger Wellness encourages all students, faculty, and staff to sign the Community Commitment as we prioritize the health and wellness of our community this fall. An example of the document you will be asked to sign next week is attached to this email, signed by Thomas the Tiger himself!
To help protect you, your family, friends, classmates, and in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19 on our campus, Doane University asks that you abide by the following safety measures this fall:
Wear a Mask or Face Covering
In accordance with current public health authority guidance, non-medical face masks or face coverings should be worn in circumstances when six-foot physical distancing from others cannot be maintained. This applies to all public campus spaces, inside and outside. Masks will be required in classrooms, athletic training facilities, the Student Health Center, and in university transportation. As the situation evolves, mask policies are subject to change. All face coverings should cover the mouth and nose. Avoid touching your face and adjusting your mask once it is in place. Residential students should bring 7-10 of their own face coverings to campus to reduce high frequency use of laundry facilities. Doane University will be supplying students with two washable, cloth face masks. These masks were collaboratively designed by Student Congress and our marketing team.
Maintain Physical Distancing
Physical distancing protocols on campus need to follow guidelines from public health authorities from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. In general, Doane will implement physical distancing protocols that observe six feet between individuals, 50% occupancy of indoor spaces and appropriate distancing barriers to promote safe environments. All students should limit large gatherings and frequent visits to public spaces and events.
Wash Your Hands
Wash and sanitize your hands frequently. Hands should be washed with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Hand hygiene is especially important after coughing, sneezing, touching public surfaces, or being in public spaces. If possible, keep a small bottle of hand sanitizer with you in the event that you need to quickly sanitize your hands.
Disinfect Shared Surfaces
Shared surfaces and objects should be disinfected regularly. This includes items such as doorknobs, desks, lightswitches, handrails, remote controls, shared computers, telephones, and tabletops. In public spaces, avoid touching surfaces unnecessarily.
Daily Self-Screening with #CampusClear App
All students, faculty, and staff will be asked to download the app #CampusClear on their smartphones to complete daily self-monitoring of symptoms. Screening questions aim to identify symptoms or known exposures to COVID-19. Symptoms include fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea. Results from #CampusClear are only viewable by Student Health Services employees and designated contact tracing administrators.
Additionally, it will be important to purchase a digital thermometer to self-monitor your temperature on a daily basis. A thermometer reading of 100.4 degrees (F) or higher is considered a fever. More information on symptoms and self-monitoring can be found here: COVID-19 Symptoms
Stay Home When You’re Sick
If a student has symptoms of COVID-19 or a significant known exposure to someone with COVID-19, the student will be asked to stay home and not report to campus. Attendance policies will be flexible to prioritize the health of students and faculty. Students should notify their professors if they do not feel well and use the following guidance:
Crete campus students living on campus are advised to remain in their room with a mask on and not attend class. Students living off campus should be asked not to report to campus at all. All students should self-isolate and immediately contact Kelly Jirovec, campus nurse, for further guidance. The Health Services Office will not accept walk-in appointments at this time.
Lincoln or Omaha campus students are advised not to report to campus. They should self-isolate and contact their medical provider for further guidance or until they get tested for COVID-19 and receive a negative test result.