Tim Hill

Phone Number: 402.826.8676Department: Political Science
Office: GA212
Email: tim.hill@doane.edu
Primary Campus: Crete
Credentials: BA, MA, PHD
B.A. in Political Science and Sociology, Furman University, 1998
M.A. in Political Science, The Ohio State University, 2001
Ph.D. in Political Science, The Ohio State University, 2003
Courses Taught
Introduction to American Government, Political Attitudes and Behavior, Political Thought, Religion in Politics, Contemporary Political Issues, Political Parties and Interest Groups, Legislative and Executive Behavior, Liberal Arts Seminar: Political Violence: What Makes Us Killers?
Research Interests
My primary graduate training was in three areas of American politics: political participation and voting behavior, linking institutions (parties, interest groups, media), and political psychology. I am currently working on research that explores the connections between prime-time television and political attitudes. My other research focus is on religion in politics, and particularly how the culture of smaller religious traditions, such as Judaism and Mormonism, affects their political attitudes and behavior.