Karla Cooper

Associate Professor of Practice
Phone Number: 402.466.4774Department: Curriculum and Instruction
Office: EDUC214
Email: karla.cooper@doane.edu
Primary Campus: Lincoln
Credentials: BA, MDIV, EDD
The Reverend Karla J. Cooper, the seventh of eight children of Joel and Kay Cooper, ordained an Itinerant Elder of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, serves as the proud pastor of Quinn Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Lincoln, Nebraska. She has Dual Standing in the United Church of Christ and serves as Chaplain/Coordinator of Service Programs at Doane University. She is also an adjunct instructor in the Department of Education at Doane.
She is a graduate of Eden Theological Seminary where she received a Master's of Divinity and studied abroad as part of a travel seminar to India studying in three seminaries, Gurukul Lutheran Theological Seminary in Chennai; Tamilnadu Theological Seminary and United Theological Seminary in Bangalore.
Reverend Cooper also worked with the Church of South India. Because of her work in India, the African Methodist Episcopal Church will establish itself in South India in November 2007. She is a graduate of Southeast Missouri State University where she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Mass Communication and completed studies in a Masters of Public Administration Degree with an emphasis in public policy. She is presently pursuing her PhD/Post Baccalaureate studies from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.