Jeff Stander

Phone Number: 402.826.8293Department: Theatre
Office: CON207
Primary Campus: Crete
Credentials: BFA, MFA
For the past 20 years, Jeff has worked as a freelance scenic designer. Representative work includes designs for Retro Theatre Productions in New York City, The Omaha Community Playhouse, The Omaha Theatre Company, Nebraska Repertory Theatre, Des Moines Playhouse and Doane University. His scenic design for Dear Ruth with Retro Theatre Productions was recognized with a New York Innovative Theatre Award Nomination in 2011. Scenic designs at The Omaha Theatre Company have been nominated for Omaha Arts and Entertainment Awards in 2015 and 2016.
Currently, Jeff splits his time between freelance designing and mentoring future theatre practitioners as Associate Professor of Theatre at Doane College in Crete, Nebraska. This rewarding career combination allows him the opportunity to share his work behind the scenes with the current generation of students.
Prior to teaching at Doane University, Jeff had the opportunity to serve as a scenic design assistant at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF) in Ashland, Oregon. At OSF, he collaborated and learned under resident scenic designer's Richard Hay and William Bloodgood as well as a host of other prominent guest designers who visited the festival. Beyond OSF, Jeff has assisted on scenic designs for the Arizona Theatre Company, San Jose Repertory Theatre, Minneapolis Children's Theatre, San Diego's Old Globe Theatre and the Utah Shakespeare Festival.
In 2001, Jeff earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Theatre Arts and Design from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. This was followed by a Master of Fine Arts in Design and Technical Theatre from San Diego State University in 2004 under the guidance of Scenic Designer/Professor Ralph Funicello. In 2001, he was selected for the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Student Internship Program in the area of art direction. This recognition allowed him to work with Production Designers, Art Directors and Props Artisans on television shows including "The Drew Carey Show" and "The Bold and the Beautiful."