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Meet the Staff


Wilma R. Jackson, M.Ed
Director of Multicultural Support Services
Multicultural Programs and Education
Contact Information: 402.826.8620;[email protected]"Pursue the things you love doing, and do them so well that people can't take their eyes off you. All other tangible reward will come as a result."  Dr. Maya Angelou 


I am a native of Shreveport, Louisiana. However, my experiences in the Midwest have been very enlightening. I obtained my undergraduate degree in Social Work from Northeast Louisiana University in Monroe, Louisiana and a Masters degree in Education Curriculum and Instruction from Doane University, Lincoln campus.

My job duties at Doane University have occurred in progressive moves. I served as Director of Student Activities for four years.  The decision to hire a part time Multicultural Director came into existence, and I served in that capacity in addition to part time Director of Community Services. Through this dual role, I had the opportunity to initiate service learning at Doane, revamp the community services program, and cultivate multicultural programming. After one year, I assumed the full time role of Director of Multicultural Support Services and our programs have increased. The program serves the college and community in the following areas (1) mentoring programs for students of color and others, (2) diversity training, and (3) multicultural programming and education.

Perhaps the most rewarding part of my job is having opportunities to network and build relationships across the campus and in the community with so many wonderful people.